Bonus Bagging costs just £27, but is it really worth the money?

Is Bonus Bagging Value For Money?
I see a lot of questions getting left on message boards and forums about a whole host of online matched betting systems, about whether they are worth the money or not.
The same question regularly gets asked about Bonus Bagging – which at £27, seems quite cheap – but the question is whether it is value for money or not?
When you compare it to other systems it stacks up as quite cheap. For example ‘Assured Soccer Profits’ is £89, ‘Pre Match Trading’ is £20 for 2 weeks, £39 for a month or £106 for 3 months, ‘Betfair Trading Expert’ costs £55.70 and to sign up to ‘Betting System Notes’ will cost you £40.
This is just a sample of how much betting systems can cost. Some of the above listed seem quite cheap, while some are fairly expensive.
In my view, whether they are value for money depends on the individual that uses them and whether they suit your individual betting techniques or not. I don’t believe it is a case of one size fits all.
In the case of Bonus Bagging, I’ve stated before in my Bonus Bagging Review that I don’t believe this to be a betting system, I believe it to be more of a service.
For example, Bonus Bagging hunts out free bets for you – alternatively, you can do this yourself. It also hunts out free chips at Casinos – again, you can do this yourself.
Bonus Bagging also alerts you to online bookmakers reload offers – you can do this yourself. It finds arbitrages for you – again, you can do this yourself.
It calculates how much you need to put on with all these bets to guarantee yourself a profit. And yes, you can do all this yourself.
Why Pay £27 For Bonus Bagging Then?
So why buy Bonus Bagging if you can do all of this yourself? Well, in my case, I haven’t got time to all of the above things I have listed.
Taking a closer look at a couple of the things I listed that Bonus Bagging does for you. To start with ‘free bets,’ now they are easy to find and you don’t need to look too hard.
These same online bookmakers that offer these free bets also offer ‘reload offers’ from time to time. This is when a bookmaker you already have an account with does a promotion where they offer a Free Bet to existing customers, it is usually on one particular match.
To find theses offers, you need to check back nearly every day with every bookmaker to see if these offers are available. And 99 days out of 100, there are no offers – until the day you don’t check.
As for Arbitrages, well anyone who has ever searched for them knows how mind numbing, finding them can be.
Searching for both is probably a bit too much. As I stated earlier, it is doing what fits in with your style of gambling.
Back to Bonus Bagging, and is it worth £27? Again, I believe the answer lies with the individual.
I can’t speak for everyone and say it is worth £27, I can only speak for myself. From my perspective I find Bonus Bagging value for money.
On the other hand, if you are a meticulous type of person who is prepared to trawl around all the online betting sites to do all this work and research yourself, then save yourself £27 as Bonus Bagging isn’t for you.